George Galloway

Who is George Galloway?

  George Galloway 2007-02-24, 02.jpg

George Galloway is a British politician, broadcaster, and writer. he represented four constituencies as a Member of Parliament, elected as a candidate for the Labour Party and later the Respect Party..

He is a long time supporter of the Palestinians against Israel. In 2008-2009 he led a convoy comprised of approximately 120 vehicles full of food, medicine and other human necessities to GAZA to alleviate the suffering that the Israelis inflicted on them.

George Galloway would debate with anyone, anywhere and anytime on the subject of Middle East Politics regarding Palestine and Israel but he once walked out of a debate when he realized that the other person is an Israeli citizen. He said that debating with someone means recognizing him and I don’t recognize Israel or it’s citizens.


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