Punctuation Genius

‘A woman without her man is nothing’

on the chalkboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly.

All of the males in the class wrote:

‘A woman, without her man , is nothing.

All the females in the class wrote:

‘A woman: without her , man is nothing.


By: Hank Hardy

A nick name for the United States of America is “The Melting Pot” because, with the exception of the Native Indians, everyone in this country either came from another country or his ancestors did. People came to the United States seeking a better life for themselves and their families and they found it here, that’s why this country is also nicknamed “The Land of Opportunity”.

With the new opportunities and new found freedom, most people consciously or
unconsciously, decided to forget about the rest of the world, adapting the mentality “if it doesn’t happen to me or around me, it doesn’t affect me”.

Unfortunately, with the new and better life comes complacency and ignorance. Just like a rich kid who says, I don’t need to go to college and waste money and time on education because my daddy is filthy rich and I can get all the money I need. It’s also unfortunate that we, the American people, can be easily manipulated and brainwashed. Most of us believe what we see and hear on TV and radio, or read in the newspapers or on the internet. It’s a golden opportunity for the evil doers to get their way and make us think that what they’re telling us is the truth even if it’s not, and their action is the right thing to do even if it’s the most despicable and underhanded thing they’ve ever done. Those people would lie to us time and time again and we still believe them, they prey on our gullibility and often win. Remember George Bush and Dick Chaney and all the lies they told us about Iraq and Saddam Hussein to justify invading that country?

That’s what happened in Palestine and Israel. The Israeli government and their allies in the United States, not only control our government, but they have a choke hold on every one of the congress members, whether they are Republicans or Democrats, in the Senate or the House of Representatives. How do they do that? They do it by bribery, intimidation and attack.

Please understand that we are not attacking the Jewish people, we’re merely explaining how the Israelis and their supporters in United States are manipulating us, the American people, and how they are lying to us and a large number of us still believe them. They are managing to control our hearts and minds and consequently our money and resources. Here’s how they do it:

They set out to control all sensitive and influential areas in our lives, mainly:

 GOVERNMENT: In the presidential and congressional elections, there’s always a candidate who’s a big supporter of Israel. The pro- Israel groups, headed by AIPAC (The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee), which I call the most dangerous organization in the country, donate huge sums of money to his campaign and promote him in every possible way. Sometimes he wins but often he does not. If he wins, they count on him to be their “yes man” in congress and vote as they dictate to him. Those candidates usually have no principles and no integrity. They are rather followers than leaders. But if he loses, they drop him like a hot potato.

The winning candidate is often showered with money and gifts to lure him to their side if he’s not already. If that tactic works, they’re happy, however; if he happened to be among the small minority who speaks his mind and does not yield under pressure then the third method is used on him which is the threat and intimidation. He would be threatened and promised with failure in the next election until he gives up and crosses over to their side. The best example to this fact is the last two presidential elections. Remember John McCain and Mit Romney? Both were puppets in the hands of the pro- Israel group. Both lost to Obama, not because they were lacking money or advertisements but rather for lack of honesty and integrity. Obama had the intellect, the charisma and the smarts that helped him win the hearts and minds of the American public and consequently, the election. The tremendous pleasure from those groups that he was under caused him to cater to their every need and demand. He felt that he had no choice but to back off and let them control the entire government, like they’ve always done, while he sat on the side line. One of his campaign promises, peace in the Middle East, was swept under the rug, because Israel simply does not want peace. There’s a lot of proof out there.

NEWS MEDIA: News reporters are bound by the code of ethics. They are to report the news and never take sides in any circumstances, however, when it comes to Israel and the Middle East, they seem to forget the truth and the ethics that they are suppose to uphold. All the news reported on TV, Radio and Newspapers is one sided. Guess who’s side they take? Israel’s side of course. They are not to express their personal opinion unless it’s to the benefit of Israel.

SHOW BUSINESS: Hollywood is infested with pro- Israel supporters who control every aspect of show business. Their influence is frightening and should be stopped or limited. A large numbers of movies were made to reflect their point of view, but when the British actress Vanessa Redgrave financed and promoted a movie about the Palestinians, she was booed, insulted and called every name in the book, even by her own sister.

The unwritten rule: In the United States, there is a rule that everyone who has a position in the government, news media, show business or any other field of influence has to abide by. This rule implies that if you have something to say to promote the Israeli agenda, you are free to announce it to the world, but if you have something to say that condemn Israel for some or all the criminal acts they’ve done, keep your mouth shut. If you don’t, you will be called anti-Semitic and prejudice among other unflattering descriptive adjectives. Remember the former President Jimmy Carter? While he was in office, the Israeli army went on a killing and destruction spree in the West Bank. The United Nations Security Council condemned Israel and all its members voted for the decision. United States normally vetoes such a decision, but the American representative was instructed to abstain. Jimmy Carter was heavily criticized and forced to apologize for not vetoing the Security Council’s decision.

There is no subject under the sun that everyone in government agrees on except Israel. When Israel wants money, weapons, support in the UN or anything else, everyone in the government, without exception, become a hypnotized zombie and votes yes, even if his heart and mind tell him otherwise. Everyone is scared to death to be called Anti-Semitic, or, heaven forbids, get the pro-Israel group angry at him. It’s been said that everyone in the Senate and House of Representatives starts planning strategies to win the next election as soon as he is announced the winner in the present election. He will be jeopardizing his future in the congress if he speaks his mind and decide to be ethical. The thought of losing the next election scares the day light out of him.

Where is it Mr. Obama? I am looking everywhere for it, but cannot find it anywhere. I am looking for your back-bone and that of the members of the congress. It seems that no one these days has a back-bone to stand up to Netanyahu and say, enough is enough. Stop the massacre in Gaza. Stop the destruction of the people’s homes and buildings. Mr. President, you have the courage to stand up to Russia and Putin but pretend that you are in a different world when it comes to Israel. They have no regards for you what so ever, they even don’t bother asking for your approval to get more weapons, they just go directly to the Pentagon and submit their shopping list. You need to wake up first then help other people do the same. So far you’ve been a disappointment. You are letting the Israelis and the Republicans walk all over you and you’re still trying to please them. Don’t be another George Bush, the country’s worst president ever. You have no more elections to worry about losing. What are you afraid of? History will judge you for your actions. Make them count in the good column not the bad.

In an interview with George W. Bush, just before leaving office, he said “I leave with my head held high”. Wrong again Mr. George. I think you and your buddy tricky Dickey, should have your heads tucked between your legs for all the shame you brought upon this country, for all the loss of lives and limbs you inflicted on our soldiers, for all the money you spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that could’ve and should’ve been used locally, for all the loss of lives and destruction of properties you unnecessarily inflicted on the Iraqis, for all the lies you told us to justify invading that country. All that evil doing, just to protect the Israelis. I think all living presidents for the past 50 years should walk around with paper bags over their heads for all the shame they brought onto our country.

We annually hand Israel on a gold platter everything they ask for, from billions of dollars of cash to more billions of dollars of arms and weapons to technology also worth billions of dollars to…. to…..etc. what we get in return is a net of spiest Israel hires to steel our secrets and technology and send them to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Remember Jonathan Pollard? He is one of the spies that were caught and now serving a jail sentence for spying for Israel. Israeli officials are working diligently behind the scenes to free him. It seems that our government might finally cave in and free him. Some radicals like Alan Dershowitz, the Harvard Law Professor, try to soften the blow and say, at least he is spying for a friendly country. It’s like if you get stabbed in the back by your best friend and your friend’s father says at least he was stabbed by a friend. Does that stab hurt less? I don’t think so. On the contrary, it hurts much more because it came from someone you trusted and helped a great deal.

We, the American people are like the sleeping giant, who has a lot of power but does not use it because, you guessed it, he’s always sleeping.  We need to WAKE UP, before it’s too late, and realize the danger that is lingering around us which one day will destroy us.

Here are some interesting URL’s from theNATIONAL SUMMIT TO REASSESS THE U.S. – ISRAEL “SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP”.   . Just copy and paste in your browser address bar.







By: Toby Schill

In a recent interview with Joan Rivers, the supposedly comedian, at the airport; the reporter asked her about the war in Gaza; Joan went off the handle and was angry at the reporter for asking her such a question. She said that if New Jersey was firing rockets at New York we would wipe them out; and when she was asked about the civilian casualties she said they started it, meaning, they deserve it.

Well Ms. Rivers, if anyone told you that you are a beautiful, intelligent and well informed woman, tell him he’s lying on all counts. Just remind him that you cannot even talk because of the extra dose of Botox in your face and mouth. Show him your swelled up face and how your lips don’t move when you talk because of all the Botox which you used to make you look younger and prettier but did not work.

In regard to being intelligent and well informed, well…your comments show your stupidity and ignorance. No need to explain any further. And if “that someone” ever said that you’re easy to live with, just remind him that your husband, Edgar, committed suicide rather than look at your face every day or sleep in your bed every night. Also remind him how you and your daughter, Melisa, constantly fight over the most trivial things.

Here are the facts, Joany, that you knew or should have known but decided to ignore or lie about.  The Palestinians did not start it, and they do not deserve to be killed and have their homes destroyed by the biggest liar and coward, your friend Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli’s are the ones who started it when they sent their fighter jets and dropped bombs and fired missiles on the unsuspecting people of Gaza killing around 2000 of them and destroying their buildings and homes. Is that too complicated for you to understand? I thought so.

Back to the reporter, I think that he is just as stupid as Ms. Rivers. Just tell me Mr. Reporter, how in the world do you expect an intelligent answer from a stupid woman? Can’t you find more informed, well versed people to interview? You should be fired for your lack of sound judgement on who to interview.

Do You Know What I am Doing??

A beautiful, voluptuous woman went to a gynecologist. The doctor took one look at this woman and all his professionalism went out the window.

He immediately told her to undress.
After she had disrobed the doctor began to stroke her thigh.

He asked her, “Do you know what I’m doing?”
“Yes,” she replied, “You’re checking for any abrasions or dermatological abnormalities.”
“That is right,” said the doctor.

He then began to fondle her breasts.
“Do you know what I’m doing now?” he asked.
“Yes,” the woman said, “you’re checking for any lumps or breast cancer.”
“Correct,” replied the shady doctor.

Finally, he mounts his patient and started having sexual intercourse with her.
He asked, “Do you know what I’m doing now?”

“Yes,” she said. “You’re getting herpes; which is why I came here in the first place!”


Escaped Convict

A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed.

He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair, while tying the girl to the bed he gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom. While he’s in there, the husband tells his wife:

“Listen, this guy’s an escaped convict, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in jail and hasn’t seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck.” If he wants sex, don’t resist, don’t complain, do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is probably very dangerous. If he gets angry, he’ll kill us. Be strong, honey. I love you.”

To which his wife responds: “He wasn’t kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me he was gay, thought you were cute, and asked me if we had any Vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too!!”


By:  Toby Schill

In 2008 Barak Obama was elected as the 45th president of the United States of America. The two republican candidates who ran against him in 2008 and 2012, John McCain and Mitt Romney, did not have a chance and were crushed at the election. Most people had high hopes for the future of this country when they elected Obama.

Unlike his predecessor, Obama is a very smart, highly educated and above all has good common sense, integrity and decency. He hit the ground running, getting more done in 3 months than George W. in 8 years, with the exception of the two wars he, needlessly, plunged our country in, if you call that work. It’s actually what I call “negative work” or bad work. More on that in another article.

Mr. Obama was decisive in saving General Motor, and AIG Insurance Co., and others. He basically saved the economy in this country from a total collapse that was eminent had George Bush stayed for one more year. Much to the Republicans’ dismay, he was doing great and his popularity was on the rise. Instead of helping him move this country forward, they tried and succeeded to a certain extent, to put every obstacle in his way so he will fail in his mission. They were vocal and open about their evil scheme, and didn’t care if the whole country knows about it. They publicly announced, shortly after Obama’s winning the 2008 election, that their only mission is, not to save this country’s economy or cooperate with the newly elected president, but to make Mr. Barak Obama a one-term president. Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show, I hope Obama fails.

To achieve their objective and accomplish their goal, they opposed this president in everything he does, and ridiculed every idea he comes up with, even if it’s one of their own. They have managed to slow down the recovery of the economy to a degree that got some people frustrated and angry. Unfortunately, some people look only at the results with no consideration to the cause of those results. Imagine if you were going to work one day and had a flat tire on the way. You stop on the side of the road, change the tire and proceed to your work place. When you arrive, your boss yells at you for being late, and when you tell him that you had a flat tire, he says, I don’t care, you’re late.

In 2010, we’ve had the “mid-term election”. The economy was improving, but not as fast as some people wanted. It’s a problem!! What to do? What to do? I Know, I know. Let’s bring back the people who put us in this big mess back, because the people who are leading us to the recovery are not moving fast enough. This is what I call “the moronic solution”. The Republicans managed to win the majority of the House of Representatives’ seats, making the job of the president even more difficult.

The president of the United States or any president of any country in the world has to work on two fronts simultaneously. The domestic front; meaning the economy and the country’s local issues. And the foreign front; simply dealing with other countries. Mr. Obama, like all his predecessors and all those that will follow, made many promises. He managed to accomplish many of the domestic goals, but thanks to the Republicans, he was forced to put on his turtle shoes instead of his rabbit shoes. However, when it comes to the foreign policy, he failed miserably. Only one of his promises was accomplished on his watch, which is ending the war in Iraq. On the surface, this sounds like a great step for both the US and Iraq, but if you think about it, it was a disaster for both. The abrupt withdrawal of the American troops from Iraq caused more ciaos in the country causing the killing of a large number of people. That was bad for Iraq but why was it bad for the US. Here’s why:

The number one enemy to the United States is not Iran or Russia, its Al-Qaida. During Sadam Hessian’s regime, Al-Qaida was non-existent in Iraq, because Sadam hated them and prevented them, not only from forming a group in Iraq but even entering the country. George Bush and his boss Dick Cheney along with their hit man Donald Rumsfeld falsified the record and lied to the whole world about Sadam Hussein harboring Al-Qaida and stock piling chemical weapons. They wanted to attack Iraq so badly that they stooped so low as to falsify the facts. During the war and afterwards, Al-Qaida members entered the country and fought against the US troops. The sudden withdrawal of the US army opened the door to Al-Qaida to flood Iraq. Thanks to Bush and Obama, it will be next to impossible to rid Iraq of them.

Recently, a militant group called “ISIS”, which’s a division of Al-Qaida, invaded and occupied a large part of Iraq, and killed thousands of innocent people. Obama said that he is not going to put “boots on the ground” but will weigh his other options. Of course he does not want people to think that he went back on his word of pulling the American troops from Iraq. If you would ask George Bush about what to do in Iraq, he would probably say, we went to Iraq to mess up the county, protect Israel and get the Oil from there. We succeeded in all that, now we should stay out of that country.

Among his unfulfilled promises, Mr. Obama announced that he will close Guantanamo bay. He is no closer to doing that than when he spoke those works. Also, he promised to work with Iran on a solution to their nuclear program and the sanctions against the country. Instead of working toward this goal, he bowed to the Israeli pressure and imposed more sanctions against Iran and treated them as an enemy. Instead of bringing them to his side, which’s the smart thing to do, he pushed them further away, just to please the Israelis. They wanted him to go one step further and attack Iran militarily, but he knew that he would be making the biggest mistake in his life, as a president, an American and as a human being, so he did not.

He also failed to come to an understanding with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, whom he treated with hostility instead of understanding. When Putin annexed the Crimea area, which’s what its people want, Obama went crazy, and when the Russian President sent troops to the Ukraine, Obama hit the wall. He, Obama, announced that he is going to impose sanctions on Russia which he did. That Putin fellow, just who does he think he is? Doesn’t he know that invading other countries with no consequences is reserved to us, the United States, and the occupying and killing of innocent people is reserved to the Israelis? The last time I checked, he was neither an American President nor an Israeli prime minister, so back off Putin!!

The absolute biggest failure of President Obama’s foreign policy is peace in the Middle East. When running for president prior to the 2008 election, he repeatedly announced that he will make peace in the Middle East. He knew, or should’ve known, that Israel does not want peace. If there is peace, what reason would they have to suck the life blood out of us, the Americans? When he tried to find a solution to Palestinian-Israeli problem he was stopped dead in his track by the Israelis. Their lobbyists and political organizations like APAC, which I consider the most dangerous organization in the country, pressured him to step aside when it comes to the Middle East. He bowed to them and did exactly what they wanted him to do instead of having a back-bone and standing up to them. After all, he is the president of the United States.

Over all, I would give Mr. Obama a 65% grade point average. In his defense, after succeeding the worst president in the history of this country, he did OK. Not great, just OK. He could’ve been much better and stronger, as the leader of West, but he tried very hard to please the Republicans and the Israelis. What we, in this country, should be bracing for is the next president. If we make a colossal mistake like the one we made in the year 2000 when we elected George Bush, we’re doomed.

My advice to the president is: Just be yourself and do what you think is right, and for heaven’s sake stop trying to kiss the rear end of the Republicans and Israelis. They will never like you. Your popularity now is at an all times low, watch it soar if you do what’s right and ignore those two groups.

Over Quota

A ragged individual stranded for several months on a small desert island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean one day noticed a bottle lying in the sand with a piece of paper in it. Rushing to the bottle, he pulled out the cork and with shaking hands withdrew the message.

“Due to lack of maintenance,” he read, “we regretfully have found it necessary to cancel your e-mail account.”

Motorcycle Insurance

A young man walked into our insurance office to purchase coverage for his new motorcycle. Only one question confused him. “Do you have a lien holder on the vehicle?”

“I’ve got a kickstand,” the prospect replied. “Is that the same thing?”