Terrorists’ Attacks, Who’s Responsible??

By: Mohamed Abulrahman

There have been numerous attacks in recent months and years on innocent people in different countries. We are not talking about the “deranged individuals” who carry a gun and go to a school, a theater, or any other crowded place and start shooting. We are referring to those organized attacks by organizations identified by our government as “terrorists” such as the recent one in San Bernardino, California that killed 14 people and the attack in Paris, France that killed 129 people, and the attack known as the “Charles Hebdo attack”, also in France that killed 11 people. There was also the attack in Kenya in 2011 that killed 147 people. Many other attacks took place in other countries over the years.

The so called “terrorist organizations” like Al-Qaida, ISIS and many others are not just a menace to the world but they are dangerous and deadly as we saw in California, France and other places. Unfortunately, all of these organizations’ members are Muslims, or so they claim, but what they are doing contradicts everything Islam stands for, which reminds me with an incident I read about on the internet. An ISIS man in Syria stopped a car driven by a Christian man with his wife sitting next to him. The conversation between the two men went as follows:

ISIS man: Are you Muslim?

The driver: Yes we are.

ISIS man: If you are Muslim, recite something from the Quran.

The driver recited something from the bible.

ISIS man: Yes, you are Muslim, go on and enjoy your day.

The driver’s wife asked her husband: Why did you tell him we are Muslims?

The driver: Because if I tell him we are not, he will kill us both.

The wife seemed to be worried. Her husband said: don’t worry, this man does not know anything about Islam or the Quran; if he does, he won’t be going around killing people.

To associate Arabs and/or Muslims with terrorists and terrorism is wrong. In fact, true Muslims are the first to condemn such heinous crimes committed by these thugs. They claim to be Muslims but they know nothing about Islam. If the profit Mohammed is still alive, I have no doubt that he will form an army and wipe those criminals off the face of this earth. The Israelis and their supporters in the United States and around the world want people in every country to believe that all Muslims and all Arabs are terrorists. Actually, you don’t blame them for this evil attempt because every criminal tries to pin the crime on someone else after profusely denying committing it. The crimes that Israel commits in the land of Palestine are numerous to mention and gruesome to talk about.

Believe it or not, the biggest and most dangerous terrorist organization in the world, and by far the overall worst one is called ISRAEL, the country of thugs. Before you let your jaw drop to the floor and say what??? Why Israel??

Well, just think about it. The definition of terrorists is a group of thugs killing innocent people and destroying their properties. No one did that more than Israel. In the name of self defense, they invaded the Gaza Strip and killed thousands of innocent people, and using the planes, tanks, missiles, bombs and other military equipment that our government gave them, they destroyed billions of dollars worth of properties in Gaza and the West Bank. If bombing schools, hospitals and homes is not terrorism I don’t know what is!!

The two biggest single attacks happened in 2001 and 2014. The first was on the Twin Towers in New York that killed 3,000 people, but the biggest and worst attack, outside of a war, happened in 2014 when Israel, for no reason at all, launched not a war but a massacre against the people of Gaza killing 2,200 of them and destroying billions of dollars worth of properties.

Although the number of people died in New York was larger than the number killed in Gaza, the latter was considered much worse due to the property destruction and the deplorable conditions that the area was left in afterword. The people who perished in New York were hailed as heroes, remembered every year in a special ceremony and their families were compensated for their loss. Our country invaded Afghanistan in attempt to revenge the incident, where as the people who died in Gaza were forgotten and the event rarely mentioned in the news. Their families were never compensated and the United Nations’ aid of food, medicine, and other life necessities were blocked by the Israeli army. A book can be written about the atrocities that the Israelis committed in Gaza and the West Bank but this is neither the place nor time for it.

BUT!! The $64 million question is…Who is responsible for the creation of such groups as Al-Qaida and ISIS??

If you say… well, the terrorist groups themselves are responsible for their actions. They committed these crimes on their own and they answer to, and take orders from, no one. Bravo, you are half right. Actually, the first blame should be directed toward the countries and organizations that either created them or caused them to exist. BUT… who are those countries, you ask?

Don’t look too far. We, the United States of America indirectly were the major contributor to the creation and strengthening of these groups.

What??? You ask in shock; how can you say that when we are fighting them and trying to destroy them (except Israel of course).

When Saddam Hussein was the president of Iraq, Al-Qaida had no trace in that country because Hussein did not like them and would not allow them in his country, but when George W. Bush, better known as “the worst president in the country’s history” decided in his infamous wisdom and under pressure from his vice president to invade Iraq to please and protect the Israelis, Al-Qaida had a golden opportunity to enter Iraq and flourish in it, thus allowing them to dig up their heals in the country. Following his orders, or rather Dick Chaney’s orders, our army killed a large number of Iraq’s army and dissolved the remaining fragments of it. Now Iraq has a few untrained soldiers who are under equipped and underfunded. This army is incapable of fighting anyone, which opened the doors to ISIS to attack villages, kill a large number of innocent people and occupy land.

It’s ironic that the two groups that we are forced to call “terrorists” have never attacked or threatened our, or any other, country in the world. The two groups are Hamas and Hizb- Allah. In the Middle East, if you Arabic and you fight for your country, Palestine, you are called terrorist.

Terrorism is a huge problem facing not just our country but the whole world. BUT… what is the solution, you ask??

Not everyone realizes this but most problems have solutions. Some solutions are more effective than others but never the less there is always one. Most people think there is no solution to terrorism or it involves a full scale war which no one wants including the president. Actually, the solution is simple and does not involve war. Here are the steps to the eradication of ISIS once and for all.

  • Pressure Saudi Arabia to cut off their funding. There is no doubt that ISIS needs a huge amount of money to run their evil operation. Saudi Arabia and some countries in the gulf provide them with that.
  • Pressure Israel to stop aiding ISIS. It’s a known fact in the Middle East that Israel and ISIS are fighting on the same side. They are both fighting the Syrian army, and they are both trying to destroy the reputation of Islam. When fighters from ISIS are injured, where do you think they are treated? In Israeli hospitals.
  • Encourage fighter to leave ISIS and financially reward them. Many fighters join the terror group for the money. They are desperate for funds and willing to do what it takes to support their families. ISIS provides the funds for them. That’s what Some of the ISIS defectors on 60 minutes said.
  • Support the individual groups in Iraq and Syria who are fighting ISIS. There are many militia groups in Iraq and Syria who are fighting ISIS with what they have which is not much. In an interview on 60 Minutes with one of the militia leaders, he said: people around here are either our friends and fight with us or our enemies and fight with ISIS. When the reporter said: then the US is your friend right? He replies, not really. The US refused to assist us in our fight against ISIS. He added: we don’t want American soldiers to fight our battles but we would appreciate other types of help like equipment and funding. The reporter then asked the commander of the American forces in Iraq about that. He said that’s true; only 20% of the people who fight ISIS qualify for our criteria to help them.
  • Get congress to authorize bombing and fighting ISIS, and continue the air strikes on ISIS and encourage other countries to join in especially the surrounding ones.

If these steps are followed, ISIS will seize to exist in one or two years without sending our soldiers to fight in Iraq or Syria.

The Old Man and The Officer

A middle age gentleman got an urge one day to do something that he always wanted to do, but never had the courage. He bought himself a brand new Corvette from a dealership. While driving his brand new Corvette on the interstate, a highway patrolman pulled in behind the middle age man in an attempt to pull him over.

He thought to himself “I can outrun this cop” and floored the accelerator, quickly picking up speed and starting to pull away from the cop. All of a sudden the middle age man realized that he was no longer a kid, and pulled the car over and waited for the highway patrolman.

The highway patrolman walked up to the brand new car smiling. He said “It is about the end of my shift, and I don’t want any more paperwork than what I already have. If you can give me an excuse that I have not already heard today on why you were driving so fast, I will let you go without a ticket”.

The middle age man thought for a moment and then said “Well officer, about 10 years ago my wife ran off with a highway patrol and I just thought that you were trying to bring her back.”


By: Hank Hardy

Anna Baltzer is an American Jew who decided to do the right thing and become a peace activist in the Middle East. She recently published a book entitled “WITNESS IN PALESTINE”, A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories. This is a must read book for those who don’t understand the horrible conditions imposed on the Palestinians in their own land by the Israeli occupiers.

Anna also publishes a news letter entitled “End the Occupation”, US campaign to end the Israeli occupation.

One would wonder: why a Jewish American woman would go out of her way to travel to the Middle East and stand with the Palestinians in their struggle against the Israelis. The answer is because she has a very high integrity and moral value. She, like many American and Israeli Jews, are standing against the Israeli government which is trying to suppress the rightful owners of the land which they confiscated at gun point. It’s a stand against the evil to help the victims.

We salute you Anna. Keep up the good work. See her interview with Jon Stewart. Click the link below.


British MP: Israel Fabricated Knife Attack Stories, Conservative Party Influenced By ‘Jewish Money’

This an article posted on the YAHOO website.

By Belfast Telegraph | October 30, 2015


Labor MP Sir Gerald Kaufman has allegedly accused Israel of fabricating some recent stories about knife attacks against Jews in Israel, and claimed the Conservative party is influenced by “Jewish money,” in a speech at a pro-Palestine event at Parliament.

As reported by The Jewish Chronicle, Kaufman, MP for Manchester Gorton and Father of the House, told the audience at a Palestine Return Centre event that the Government has become more pro-Israel in recent years due to donations from Jewish groups.

It’s Jewish money, Jewish donations to the Conservative Party – as in the general election in May – support from The Jewish Chronicle, all of those things, bias the Conservatives,” he said.

“There is now a big group of Conservative members of Parliament who are pro-Israel whatever government does and they are not interested in what Israel, in what the Israeli government does.”

He added: “They’re not interested in the fact that Palestinians are living a repressed life, and are liable to be shot at any time. In the last few days alone the Israelis have murdered 52 Palestinians and nobody pays attention and this government doesn’t care.”

Kaufman then went on to claim “more than half” of the stabbings that have recently happened in the West Bank, Jerusalem and the rest of Israel were fabricated, in comments that were recorded by blogger David Collier.

 Reading from an email from a friend who lives in East Jerusalem, Kaufman said: “More than half of the stabbing claims were definitely fabricated. The other half, some were true, the others there was no way to tell since they executed Palestinians and no one asked questions.”

“Not only that, they got to the point of executing Arab-looking people and in the past few days they killed two Jewish Israelis and an Eritrean just because they looked Arab.

“They fabricated a stabbing story to justify the killings before they found out they were not Palestinians.”

Kaufman was referring to an incident which took place earlier this month, in which an Eritrean man was killed by an angry crowd who incorrectly believed he was the accomplice of an Arab attacker.

The Palestine Return Centre, who organized the roundtable event where Kaufman made the comments, is a consultancy which focuses on issues relating to dispersed Palestians and their return to Israel.

Kaufman has been an MP since June 1970, making him the longest-serving MP currently in the House of Commons. He is Jewish, and has long been an outspoken critic of Israel and the Israeli government.

© Belfast Telegraph

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By: Toby Schill

Howard Stern is the radio personality that has the biggest and loudest mouth in the country. His sentences are full of profanities and disgusting phrases. His program lacks substance and he lacks the intellect. He is one of those people that you feel like to puke after listening to him for a few minutes.

There is a televised annual contest for the ugliest dog in the country. If there’s a similar contest for the ugliest man in the country, Howard Stern will be the undisputed champion year after year, hands down.  With his pointed nose and pointed chin, he could very easily be mistaken for the “wicked witch of the west”. The producers and casting directors of the “Wizard of Oz” should seriously consider him for the role, if they ever considered re-making this movie, or a replacement of the witch, should the main one gets ill or for some reason was dismissed from the movie. In an interview with him, he jokingly said that he is so ugly and that’s the reason he’s on the radio not TV. When he’s on TV he hides behind long kinky hair and dark sun glasses.

I did not write this article to insult Howard’s looks or intellect, because he doesn’t have much of either, but rather to exploit his bias and stupidity. I never listen to radio hosts who lack substance and good common sense, but once, while driving a long distance, I was changing stations on the radio to find one that I can listen to, and the dial accidentally landed on the station broadcasting Howard’s show. Because I was watching the traffic and making a turn, I left the dial on that station for a few minutes. Howard was having a one of his “Palestinians’ bashing episodes”. He was taking calls from listeners when one disagreed with him and challenged his statements. Howard showed his stupidity by insulting the caller using every foul word in the English language while screaming and yelling at the caller as if he was trying to scare him with his loud voice.

Another caller that Howard liked, agreed with him because both on the same level of ignorance. The caller made an outrageous statement during the conversation, he said “those Palestinians have to go”. I wanted to reach inside the radio and grab that miserable soul by the neck and shake him as hard as I can to knock some sense into his empty head. I wanted to tell him that they are living in their homes, where do you want them to go? The Israelis are the intruders. They came from Europe, Russia, Africa and other parts of the world to Palestine for one purpose only which’s to kill the Palestinians and take their homes and land. They are the ones who must go.

Recently, Howard Stern viciously attacked the famous singer Roger Waters for supporting the boycott of the Israeli products and criticizing Bon Jovi for having a concert in Israel. As you can imagine, he used in his insults the F-word and the S-word and every foul word he can think of. In his rant, he asked Waters this question: where do you like to send the Jews, you shit head? It’s true that a person shows his intelligence or ignorance only when he opens his mouth and Howard is known to be seriously deficient on intelligence so he displayed his ignorance and stupidity. Roger Waters was not talking about the Jews, he was talking about the Israelis who murder Palestinians, steel their resources and, at gun point, rob them of their land. Howard continued to say: the Palestinians could go to Egypt or any other Arabic country but nobody wants them. I would like to ask Mr. Stupid a question. I don’t speak Howard Language but if I do, I would phrase the question in this manner: The Palestinians are living in their homes… asshole, why do they have to leave their country and hand it to the Israelis on a silver platter? And why is it OK, in your book… Mr. Shit head, for the fucking Israelis to kill the Palestinians and take their land and homes. You are truly nothing but a piece of shit. How would you like it if someone tells you to pick up your sorry ass and move to Canada or England leaving your home and multi million bank account behind? I am glad I don’t speak Howard’s language.

A Message to Israel: Time to Stop Playing the Victim Role

This article was posted on the YAHOO website.

By: Philip Slater (Former professor and chair, Brandeis Sociology Department)

I can understand that after centuries of persecution it’s satisfying for a Jewish state to be the aggressor for a change, but there’s a codicil that goes with that role. You don’t get to act like a victim any more. “Poor little Israel” just sounds silly when you’re the dominant power in the Middle East. When you’ve invaded several of your neighbors, bombed and defeated them in combat, occupied their land, and taken their homes away from them, it’s time to stop acting oppressed. Yes, Arab states deny your right to exist, threaten to drive you into the sea, and all the rest of their futile, helpless rhetoric. The fact is, you have the upper hand and they don’t. You have sophisticated arms and they don’t. You have nuclear weapons and they don’t. So stop pretending to be pathetic. It doesn’t play well in Peoria.

(Yes, I know, we Americans should talk–always trembling in our boots about terrorists and ‘rogue states’ and ‘evil empires’ when we have enough nukes to blow up entire continents, and spend more on arms in an hour than most of the world’s nations spend in a year. But just because we’re hypocrites and Nervous Nellies doesn’t mean you have to be).

Calling Hamas the ‘aggressor’ is undignified. The Gaza strip is little more than a large Israeli concentration camp, in which Palestinians are attacked at will, starved of food, fuel, energy–even deprived of hospital supplies. They cannot come and go freely, and have to build tunnels to smuggle in the necessities of life. It would be difficult to have any respect for them if they didn’t fire a few rockets back.

The Israel lobby has a hissy fit when anyone points out that Israel has been borrowing liberally from the Nazi playbook, but to punish a whole nation for the attacks of a few–which Israel has been doing consistently in Gaza–is a violation of international law–a law enacted in response to the Nazi practice. And please, spare us the hypocrisy–borrowed, I’m ashamed to admit, from my own government–of saying ‘every effort is made to avoid civilian casualties’. When you drop bombs on a crowded city you’re bombing civilians. Bombs don’t ask for ID cards. Bombs are civilian killers. That’s what they do. They’re designed to break the spirit of a nation by slaughtering families. They were used all through World War II by all sides for that very purpose. And that’s what they’re intended for in Gaza.

And please, Israel, try to restrain yourself from using that ridiculous argument, borrowed again from Bush (how low can you get?), that Hamas leaders “hide among civilians”, by living in their own homes. Apparently, in the thinking of Israelis, they should all run out into an uninhabited area somewhere (try to find one in Gaza), surround themselves with flares and write in the sand with a stick, “Here I am!”

Yesterday you shelled three UN-run schools, killing several dozen children and adults, despite the fact that the UN had given you the precise coordinates of all its schools in Gaza. So much for ‘taking every care to avoid civilian casualties’. You seem to feel you can kill whomever you like, whenever you like, and wherever you like, just because you have a blank check from the United States. Every day this assault goes on you’re demonstrating contempt for the UN, the international community, and human life. Talk about a rogue state.

You might also pay attention to the fact that your outdated policy of macho bullying–the policy you’ve been following for decades–isn’t working! The Palestinians are human. They’re not dogs you can beat into submission. The worse you treat them, the more they’ll fight back. That’s what it means to be human. The more you oppress people, the more people resist. We dropped more bombs on Viet Nam than all the bombs dropped by all nations in World War II. Not to mention napalm, herbicides and all kinds of sophisticated land mines. But did they bow down and kiss the feet of their conquerors? They did not.

You’ll have to kill them all. And when you do, you may finally lose the support even of the United States.

Remember that American support is based entirely on the notion that no politician can win without the Jewish vote. But not all American Jews think Israel is on a divine mission from God. A great many American Jews believe in international law and justice.

I can understand how Israel could resent this lecture coming from an American. After all, isn’t this what we Americans did? Came into someone else’s country, slaughtered 95% of its inhabitants and took over? And didn’t we go all Nervous Nellie whenever they fought back, accusing them of aggression to justify even more genocidal slaughter? And didn’t we get away with it?

Yes, but I’m sorry to tell you, Israel, you came on the scene too late. Genocide just doesn’t fly any more. I know it isn’t fair, you have every right to feel aggrieved about this, but the world’s smaller, cowboys are passé, and bullies aren’t heroes any more.

Israel, A Friend or A Foe!!

By: Hank Hardy

As we mentioned on the “politics and government” page, we do not shy away from controversial subjects. Questioning Israel’s friendship in either branch of the congress or any government agency is a big taboo, but in this blog we tell it like it is with no fluff or bluff.

If you go to a downtown area of any city or village and ask people you pick in random this question: Is Israel our friend or our enemy? About 75% of the times you’ll hear this:

  • Of course Israel is our friend.
  • Israel is the only friend we have in the Middle East.
  • Israel is our friend and ally. It’s the only democracy in the Middle East.

Notice that I said about 75% of the times. If you asked people the same question 10 years ago the percentage would’ve been around 95%. The drop in support for Israel is due to the American people waking up and realizing the truth regarding our so called friend. 10 years from now the percentage would probably be 30% or even lower.

To say that Israel is our enemy would not be correct. After all we support that country in every possible way, willingly or unwillingly. Without our support Israel would seize to exist. While we have a huge number of people living below the poverty level here in the United States, we pour billions of dollars every year in the Israeli lap. We shower them with every modern weapon known to man to kill innocent people with, and when they are condemned by every country in the United Nations, we VETO the UN Security Council decision so the Israelis can commit more murders and destroy more properties that belong to the Palestinians.

So, we established that Israel is not our enemy, but is it our friend?? Many say yes but others say no. so let’s examine the facts.

Fact: Israel is our best friend and ally as long as they benefit from this friendship. Our relationship with Israel is based on the “give and take” principle. We give and they take. The giving and taking is always in one direction, never the other way.

Fact: Israel invests a huge amount of money in our government. From bribing the Senators and members of the House of Representatives to lobbying vigorously in the congress and White House to suck the life blood out of our country and threatening retaliation against any and all oppositions. The money they are using against us is the same money that we give them every year in the form of financial aid. Our government officials are either too dumb to realize that or somehow justify their actions so they can continue to reap the benefits.

Fact: Israel would attack all US military targets if it can get away with it. During the 6-Day war that Israel initiated against Egypt, Syria and Jordan in 1967, Israel viciously attacked an American Intelligence Ship called The USS Liberty. For more than 2 hours the Israeli planes, torpedoes boats, rockets and helicopters attacked the ship, killing 34 Americans and wounding 171 others. A book called “Assault on the Liberty” was written by James M. Ennes, Jr. explaining the event in details. The Israelis claim that it was a mistake and apologized for it, but how do they explain an intense 6 hour low level surveillance by Israeli photo reconnaissance aircrafts? They can’t. Click on this link USS Liberty to watch this BBC documentary.

Fact: Israel takes every opportunity to stab us in the back. They spy on our government and steel our secrets by employing their moles in sensitive government positions in order to secretly copy and send to Israel classified information and top, well guarded secrets of government and military. Remember Jonathan Pollard?

He was a spy for, and paid by, the Israeli government. After sending a large amount of secret documents to the Israeli government, he was caught, tried for espionage and sentenced to life in Prison. He was called the worst traitor in the United States history. The Israeli government has been trying for years to get him freed but the American President refused, so far, to cave in to the pressure. Recently, it was announced that he will be released from jail due to his illness and the limited time he has left on this earth. Jonathan, you won’t be missed.

The worst part of this espionage is that a great deal of classified information that Pollard stole and sold to Israel was of little or no use to Israel but of great value to the Soviet Union. Somehow this information found its way to the Russian hands. No one knows for sure how it ended up in the Soviet hands, but among the many speculations on the how, was the selling of these documents to the Soviets by the Israelis for a very high price. Jonathan Pollard was one of many spies for Israel.

Some radicals like Alan Dershowitz justify Pollards treason and unforgivable crime by saying: he spied for a Friendly Country, not an enemy. If the smart lawyer listens to himself he would shoot himself in the mouth for saying the most stupid thing. There is another name for someone who betrays his friends; it’s called a “back stabbing”, which’s much worse and more damaging when it’s done by a “so called” friend than a stab in the front by an enemy. One would expect an attack by an enemy but never by a friend. If a man’s wife runs off with a stranger/ enemy, her husband would be angry and hurt, but if she runs off with his best friend he will be devastated and disappointed beyond belief.

These facts and many others are undisputed. You can google them and learn even more about the details.

Back to the big question: Is Israel our friend?? This is the type of question that can be answered by other questions like:

Would a friend stab his friend in the back?

Would a friend attack his friend deliberately and claim it’s a mistake?

Would a friend keep meddling in his friend affairs and demand favors while giving nothing in return?


Miko Peled

Miko Peled.jpg

Miko Peled was a Karate instructor in San Diego California. He was born and raised in Jerusalem. His father was a high ranking general in the Israeli Army. He is the author of a best seller titled “The General’s Son” which is an eye opener to everyone whether they know a little or a lot about Palestine and Israel. It’s a very interesting book that I highly recommend. Look him up on you tube and google him to learn more about him.

Ken O’Keefe

By: Hank Hardy

I must admit that I am a political junkie. I despise most of the politicians in this and other countries, not because they have a different opinion from mine or because they belong to a different group or nationality, but I despise them for their corruption, greed and lack of moral value. Sometimes you find a politician that’s honest with high morality and an unshaken integrity. Unfortunately, such a politician is very hard to find.

While watching a political debate on YOU TUBE, I noticed that one of the panels named Ken O’Keefe is very passionate about the debate subjects “The Middle East” and the US government and Israel.

Image result for ken o'keefe

Here’s a tid bit about Ken Okeefe: He is a former marine who was deployed to Iraq during the first war with that country, which got him thinking about the Middle East in general and Palestine and Israel in particular. He renounced his American citizenship and dedicated his life, and made it his main mission to uncover the truth and educate people about the reality in the Middle East. After having a successful business in Hawaii, he left the country and currently resides in London.

Please google him and go to his website, then listen to his debates and interviews on you tube. We’d love to hear from you and get your thoughts on Ken O’Keefe. I think he’s awesome.