Ahmed Mohamed AND CJ Pearson

By:Sarah Hamdan

Most people in this country and around the world have heard Ahmed Mohamed’s story, but in case you haven’t, here’s briefly what happened to him.

Ahmed is a 14 year old kid living and going to school in Irving, Texas. He designed a homemade clock and was very excited to show it to his teacher next day. Instead of praising this young man’s ingenuity and genius, his teacher called the police who came to the school and arrested this kid because they thought he’s bringing a bomb to school.

This is Ahmed’s clock

Lately, people are living on edge for all the shootings in public places especially school. So, you would think that the teacher and police arresting officer were justified to think that this ticking think would be a bomb. The teacher was either threatened by the boy’s genius because this kid is Muslim or he was prejudice against Muslims, or he was just plain stupid, not fit to be a teacher whose job is to enrich and help develop the students’ brains not get them arrested. He did not bother asking the kid what is this device he’s trying to show him. He didn’t bother looking at it and realize that there is nothing attached to it that could explode. He automatically assumed it’s a bomb because this kid is Muslim.

What about the cop who arrested this kid? If the teacher was dumb enough to think that this device is a bomb, the officer was ten times as dumb. He is in law enforcement, trained to handle and recognize different kinds of weapons and explosives. If explosives are not his specialty, he should be able to recognize a bomb when he sees one. This clock was not hidden in a box that’s ticking away to scare everyone. It was sitting on the table for everyone to see. I wonder if the cop was blind as well as dumb that he couldn’t see anything attached to the clock like sticks of dynamite or any suspicious material. He, just like the teacher, assumed it’s a bomb because the kid who brought it to school is Muslim. I think they should make a movie about these two characters and call if “DUMB and DUMBER”. Oh, I forgot, this name is already taken. Maybe they should call the movie “DUMBER and DUMBEST”.

I love the support and the reaction that this kid has received from people all over the country, among which was President Obama who called this kid’s project “cool” and invited him to visit the White House. Mark Zuckerberg invited Ahmed to visit FACEBOOK and said this kid should be applauded not arrested. M.I.T, the best engineering school in the world said that they will reserve a spot for him. He was also praised by Hillary Clinton and many others.

CJ Pearson is a 13 year old kid from Augusta Georgia. He got jealous of all the attention Ahmed is getting especially from the White House and decided to record a video and posted it on “You Tube”. He was bashing the president for inviting Ahmed to the White House. He said in his video, when police officers are gunned down, their families are not invited to the White House but when a Muslim kid makes a clock, well come-on down. Well CJ, do you know what “sour grapes” is? If you don’t, just look in the mirror and you will see him. The President can invite whoever he chooses to the White House. Sad as it is, police officers and soldiers are gunned down, around the country, almost on daily bases, so, if the president invites everyone’s family to the White House, he will have no time to do anything else. Ahmed Mohamed’s story is a unique event that happened in this country which attracted a large number of people’s attention including the president’s. And, why are you trying to steal that boy’s thunder. Are you just trying to put the attention on yourself instead? Do something good and you will get the attention you deserve. I know you are just a kid and everyone is entitled to his opinion but does it have to be in a hateful way?


By: Andy Christopher




When George W. Bush was a president of this country, he was nothing more than a puppet in the hands of his so called vise president, Dick Cheney, who was actually making the decisions on most, if not all, matters that affected not only our country but other countries around the world, especially in the Middle East. It seems that the only question G.W. used to ask is: where do I sign? I was watching an interview with Cheney about Iraq during which he said: when I decided to invade Iraq!!! I was wondering, what about your boss? Doesn’t he get to decide anything?

So, when Cheney decided to invade Iraq, he sent our soldiers to fight in a place they don’t need to be in, killing and getting killed by people they don’t know. People who have done absolutely nothing to them. The damage done to the country of Iraq is in the Billions if not trillions of dollars, and the pain and suffering inflicted on the natives is beyond belief, just because Mr. Cheney wanted to please and protect the Israelis, who are the only people benefited from this ungodly war. Well, Dick Cheney himself became hugely wealthy, because he awarded all the contracts for work in Iraq to his company, Halliburton. I often wonder, if Donald Trump is called “The Donald”, what should Dick Cheney be called? That name fits him to the T.

Chris Kyle was among the soldiers deployed to Iraq. He was a Navy Seal and one of the best sharp shooters in the American Armed forces. Upon returning to the US, he was interviewed many times on TV, and several stories were told about him. Clint Eastwood directed a movie about his life and his time in the army. The movie “The American Sniper” became a block buster and one of the highest grossing movies of all times. Chris Kyle was considered a hero by many for killing over 160 of the so called “enemy”, and not a hero by many others for the way he killed those people.

A hero is a person who does something out of the ordinary (heroic), often risking his life in the process. Chris Kyle used to lie down on his belly over a rooftop waiting for some “enemy” person to pass by and shoots him. What’s heroic about that? His life was never in danger! He did not fight anyone or get shot at by anyone! Because no one can see him. He just shoots and kills his subjects from a rooftop. In my opinion, he was not a hero. Maybe not a zero either, but very close to it. Also, in my opinion, he should be considered a hero, not for his killings in Iraq, but for reaching out to his fellow soldiers in the US who needed help financially and psychologically, one of whom killed him at close range.

Noam Chomsky: Israeli Apartheid ‘Much Worse’ Than South Africa

Famous American Jewish linguist Noam Chomsky has described the actions of the Israeli occupation in Palestine as “worse than South African apartheid”.

By IMEMC News | August 25, 2015

Noam Chomsky arrives to a conference at the Islamic University in Gaza City, Saturday, Oct. 20 , 2012. Photo: Hatem Moussa/AP

“In the Occupied Territories, what Israel is doing is much worse than apartheid,” Chomsky says, according to Days of Palestine. “To call it apartheid is a gift to Israel, at least if by ‘apartheid’ you mean South African-style apartheid.

“What is happening in the Occupied Territories is much worse. There is a crucial difference. The South African Nationalists needed the black population. That was their workforce…

“The Israeli relationship to the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories is totally different. They just do not want them. They want them out, or at least in prison.”

He described listening to the American mainstream media, such as CBS, like listening directly to the Israeli propaganda agencies. “It is a shameful moment for US media when it insists on being subservient to the grotesque propaganda agencies of a violent, aggressive state [Israel],” he said.

Chomsky accused the United States of continuing to provide the decisive support for the [Israeli] atrocities against the Palestinians.

“When what is called Israeli jet planes bomb defenseless targets in Gaza, that is US jet planes with Israeli pilots,” he said. “And the same with the high-tech munitions and so on and so forth. So this is, again, sadism masked as compassion. Those are the actions.”

In a long interview with Democracy now, Chomsky insisted that the US is a violent state and is it exporting violence to other countries like the Israeli occupation.

Jenny The Horse

A man was sitting reading his paper when his wife hit him around the head with a frying pan. “What was that for?” the man asked. The wife replied: “That was for the piece of paper with the name Jenny on it that I found in your pants pocket.” The man then said’ “When i was at the races last week JENNY was the name of the horse i bet on.’ “The wife apologized and went on with the housework.

Three days later the man is watching TV when his wife bashes him on the head with an even bigger frying pan, knocking him unconscious, upon re-gaining consciousness the man asked why she had hit again. “Your horse phoned.”


By: Hank Hardy

Until 1948, the Jews were scattered all over the world. They have never had a country of their own anywhere.  Some countries tolerated them on their soil but many did not. We all know what happened to them in Germany and Austria. One of the countries they lived in was Palestine. They were one group of people who called Palestine home.  Romans, Palestinians and many others lived in the country as well. Their golden opportunity to establish a country of their own arose when Balfour, the foreign minister of Great Britain announced his support for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine in his infamous document called “The Balfour Declaration”, issued on November 2nd, 1917. Given a choice of any location in the world, they chose Palestine because it’s “The Holy Land” and they falsely claim that this land belongs to them. Let’s dig a little deeper and analyze this baseless claim which they use to justify taking the land and homes from the Palestinians. They claim that:

1) They were evicted from their home land by the Romans and now they’re coming back to claim what’s theirs.

The Jews in Palestine fought against the Romans in Palestine and lost. Consequently, their number was reduced drastically, however; they remained in their homes but the frightened ones decided to leave.

2) The Israelis bought the land they are occupying now.

The biggest sin for the Palestinian people is selling land to the Israelis. Palestinians would prefer death over selling land to the enemy. The ruined reputation and shame would follow a seller to the day he dies and beyond. The Israelis managed somehow to buy some land from the Palestinians totaling less than 3% of the land they own.

3) God wanted them to have this land which they called “The Promised Land”.

Let’s tackle the answer to this claim on two fronts. You either believe in God or you don’t.

  1. If you believe in God, then you believe that we are all his children, and in his eyes, we are all equal. He is the pinnacle of Justice and equal rights to all. No one is preferred just because he is rich or poor, tall or short, belong to one nationality or another, belong to one religion or another. The only people preferred in the eyes of God are the people who obey him, pray to him, treat other people humanly, and overall good people. So, how could he prefer Jews over other people? How could he favor the Israelis and promise them the land of other people? And, what about the people who originally owned the land? Did God tell the Israelis to murder them by the hundreds, or even by the thousands? DOES THAT SOUND LIKE JUSTICE? DOES THAT SOUND LIKE BEEING EQUAL? AND MOST OF ALL, DOES THAT SOUND LIKE GOD? The massacres that the Zionists committed against the Palestinians in one village after another will never be forgotten by the Palestinians or the true historians. Do those Zionists look like people God wants to reward and favor over others?
  2. If you don’t believe in God, then you don’t believe any of this “hog wash” lies that the Israelis are spreading around in regard to the so called “promised land”.

No matter how you look at it, the land of Palestine does not belong to the Israelis who took it from its rightful owners by force. Netanyahu recently announced the annexation of another Palestinian village. The demolishing of the homes in that village is underway in preparation for building Israeli settlements.


This is a NEWS MAGAZINE that every American must read. It’s informative, enlightening and an eye opener. The website is http://www.ifamericansknew.org. It’s mainly focused on United States, Palestine and Israel, the relationship between these countries.

Q: Why should we, the American people, be concerned about what’s going on in the Middle East?

A: Believe it or not, we are, directly or indirectly, responsible for all the atrocities that are committed by Israel in the name of “self defense”. All the war crimes and all the unnecessary destruction of people’s properties, businesses, and daily lives, not to mention, all of the killings of innocent people, whose only crime is living in Palestine, Iraq or Syria. We are to blame for all this and more, so we had better wake up and put a stop to it.

Q: If the Israelis are committing all these heinous crimes, why are we, the Americans, responsible for them?

A:  Our President and both houses of congress are bowing to pressure from the Israeli lobbyists, mainly “The American-Israeli Political Action Committee”, AIPAC (the most dangerous organization in the country). Our beloved members of the government are no less than puppets in the hands of this organization.



By: Hank Hardy

The country of Israel was founded in 1948 after many years of fighting with the Palestinians, the rightful owners of the land that’s now called Israel. Here’s a bit of history on the area and how the country of Israel was formed.

Many many years ago, big and powerful countries used to occupy (colonize) other smaller and much weaker countries around the world in order to spread their influence and steel the resources of the occupied country. The occupiers used to enforce their rules, language and culture on the occupied countries. France occupied Lebanon, Algeria and many others. Italy occupied Libya. But by far, the biggest and most powerful country was Great Britain which occupied and controlled a large number of countries around world, big and small. It’s been said that “THE SUN DOES NOT SET ON THE BRITISH EMPIRE”, meaning that if it’s night time in one part of the British Colonies, it will be day light in another part of the empire across the world. When the people of the occupied country protest to the occupation, they are dealt with very harshly and brutally, but when the occupied country revolts and causes a great deal of trouble to the intruders, the latter packs up and leaves, often assigning the leadership to one of their followers so they can maintain control over that country.

As we all know, The United States of America was one of the British colonies until this country revolted against the British and, under the leadership of George Washington, went into a war against the British and kicked them out in 1776, when we became independent. Two of the main traits that the British left behind are THE LANGUAGE and THE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM. The language was OK but the English measurement system is inferior to the Metric System which is used all over the world. Countries around the world, even Great Britain, converted to the Metric System, but for some strange reason our leaders refused to change. While a president, Jimmy Carter started the conversion to the Metric System, but when Ronald Reagan took office, he stopped and reversed the process. This topic was discussed in details in another post on this website.

On November 2nd, 1917, Arthur James Balfour, the foreign minister of Great Britain, issued his infamous “The Balfour Declaration”, which is a letter from Balfour to Lord Rothschild, the president of the British Zionist Federation. In it, Balfour declared his support to the Zionists to establish a Jewish State in Palestine. Why Palestine? Because it’s the most desirable and holy area in the world. The Jews were scattered all over the world and wanted desperately to establish a country for themselves. The Zionists also claim that the land belongs to them because some Jews used to live in Palestine along with many other groups of people like the Romans and the Palestinians. In the war between the Palestinians and the Zionists intruders, the Zionists won due to the support of the British, and On May 5th, 1948 the country of Israel was officially established in the Land of Palestine.

Q: Why did Balfour decided to grant his approval and support for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine?

A: During World War 1, Germany (Britain’s enemy during WW1) cornered the production of acetone, an important ingredient of arm production. Great Britain may have lost the war if Chaim Weismann had not invented a fermentation process that allowed the British to manufacture their own liquid acetone. Chaim Weismann was not just a scientist; he was also the leader of the British Zionist movement.

Q: How did the Zionists won the war so easily against the Palestinians?

A: As we mentioned above, Palestine was occupied by Great Britain. The British imposed a martial law in the country, which prohibited the Palestinians from owning weapons of any kind. The same law is imposed in Palestine now by the Israelis. The Zionists used to receive loads of automatic weapons under the watchful eyes of the British soldiers. Between 1917 and 1948 the Zionists committed one massacre after another against the Palestinians in order to force them out of their homes and land. They used to transport those whom they did not kill by the truck loads and dump them across the Jordan River to live in tents, in refugee camps instead of their own homes which the Zionist Jews have taken for themselves. In his book “The General’s Son”, Miko Peled, the son of a high ranking general in the Israeli army says: when the Palestinians were forced to leave their homes in Jerusalem, his father was offered a very nice Palestinian house that has just been vacated. Miko states that when they entered the house, the coffee was still worm in the coffee pot. His mother said: I can never live in a house where another mother used to live with her family.

Here’s the 64 Million dollar question,

Q: Does Israel have the right to exist?

A: This is a two part question.

  • The Jewish people. People are people. Everyone in this world has a right to live regardless of their origin, religion, nationality, color or what part of the world they live in. No one has the right to kill another in order to take his property, not even the Israelis.
  • The country of Israel. When one steels someone else’s property, or robs him of it at gun point or even kills him for it, does that property become legally his? That’s exactly how the country of Israel came to be. The Zionists Jews killed a great deal of Palestinians, robbed them at gun point and took their homes from them. Does that land and those homes become legitimately theirs? I think not.

SO, DOES ISRAEL HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXIST?? AS PEOPLE…YES, AS A COUNTRY…ABSOLUTELY NOT, unless robbing people of their homes and land becomes legal, then the answer becomes yes.

Comments and/or Questions and Replies

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Reply: Thank you very much for the nice comment. We get our info from the news mainly. Not just TV, newspapers and internet, but we have other sources of info. We also travel to the Middle East in particular and other countries in general. Why the Middle East? Because the events in Palestine and Israel are affecting us in the US directly or indirectly.


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Reply: Well Natasha. The main thing is that it did happen. As they say: better late than never.


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Reply: It is easy for us. The contributors to this web site are not professional writers but love to write on different issues that interest them. We try to write in a way where everyone can enjoy the contents regardless of their level of education. We’ll be glad to simplify it even further if you tell us what’s troubling you, and what you find complicated and hard to understand.


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Reply: Thank you Imgur. We always strive to inform and entertain. All our articles are factual and checked for accuracy.


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Israel 2007, worse than apartheid

This is an article by Ronnie Kasrils, publishhed on the website “ifamericansknew.org”.

Ronnie Kasrils is a South African politician of Lithuanian-Latvian Jewish descent. He has been the South African Minister for Intelligence Services since 27 April 2004.

Ronnie Kasrils
South African Minister for Intelligence Services
Mail & Guardian
May 21, 2007

Travelling into Palestine’s West Bank and Gaza Strip, which I visited recently, is like a surreal trip back into an apartheid state of emergency. It is chilling to pass through the myriad checkpoints – more than 500 in the West Bank. They are controlled by heavily armed soldiers, youthful but grim, tensely watching every movement, fingers on the trigger. Fortunately for me, travelling in a South African embassy vehicle with official documents and escort, the delays were brief. Sweeping past the lines of Palestinians on foot or in taxis was like a view of the silent, depressed pass-office queues of South Africa’s past. A journey from one West Bank town to another that could take 20 minutes by car now takes seven hours for Palestinians, with manifold indignities at the hands of teenage soldiers.

My friend, peace activist Terry Boullata, has virtually given up her teaching job. The monstrous apartheid wall cuts off her East Jerusalem house from her school, which was once across the road, and now takes an hour’s journey. Yet she is better off than the farmers of Qalqilya, whose once prosperous agricultural town is totally surrounded by the wall and economically wasted. There is only one gated entry point. The key is with the occupation soldiers. Often they are not even there to let anyone in or out.

Bethlehem too is totally enclosed by the wall, with two gated entry points. The Israelis have added insult to injury by plastering the entrances with giant scenic posters welcoming tourists to Christ’s birthplace. The “security barrier”, as the Israeli’s term it, is designed to crush the human spirit as much as to enclose the Palestinians in ghettoes. Like a reptile, it transforms its shape and cuts across agricultural lands as a steel-and-wire barrier, with watchtowers, ditches, patrol roads and alarm systems. It will be 700km long and, at a height of 8m to 9m in places, dwarfs the Berlin Wall.

The purpose of the barrier becomes clearest in open country. Its route cuts huge swathes into the West Bank to incorporate into Israel the illegal Jewish settlements – some of which are huge towns – and annexes more and more Palestinian territory. The Israelis claim the purpose of the wall is purely to keep out terrorists. If that were the case, the Palestinians argue, why has it not been built along the 1967 Green Line border? One can only agree with the observation of Minister in the Presidency Essop Pahad, who has stated: “It has become abundantly clear that the wall and checkpoints are principally aimed at advancing the safety, convenience and comfort of settlers.”

The West Bank, once 22% of historic Palestine, has shrunk to perhaps 10% to 12% of living space for its inhabitants, and is split into several fragments, including the fertile Jordan Valley, which is a security preserve for Jewish settlers and the Israeli Defence Force. Like the Gaza Strip, the West Bank is effectively a hermetically sealed prison. It is shocking to discover that certain roads are barred to Palestinians and reserved for Jewish settlers. I try in vain to recall anything quite as obscene in apartheid South Africa.

Gaza provides a desolate landscape of poverty, grime and bombed-out structures. Incon- gruously, we are able to host South Africa’s Freedom Day reception in a restaurant overlooking the splendid harbour and beach. Gunfire rattles up and down the street, briefly interrupting our proceedings, as some militia or other celebrates news of the recovery from hospital of a wounded comrade. Idle fishing boats bob in long lines in the harbour, for times are bad. They are confined by Israel to 3km of the coast and fishing is consequently unproductive. Yet, somehow, the guests are provided with a good feast in best Palestinian tradition.

We are leaving through Tel Aviv airport and the Israeli official catches my accent. “Are you South African?’ he asks in an unmistakable Gauteng accent. The young man left Benoni as a child in 1985. “How’s Israel?” I ask. “This is a f**ked-up place,” he laughs, “I’m leaving for Australia soon.” “Down under?” I think. I’ve just been, like Alice, down under into a surreal world that is infinitely worse than apartheid.

Within a few hours I am in Northern Ireland, a guest at the swearing in of the Stormont power-sharing government of Ian Paisley and Martin McGuinness. Not even PW Botha or Ariel Sharon were once as extreme as Ian Paisley in his most riotous and bigoted days. Ireland was under England’s boot for 800 years, South Africa’s colonial-apartheid order lasted 350 years.

The Zionist colonial-settler project stems from the 1880s. The Israeli ruling class, corrupt and with no vision, can no longer rule in the old way. The Palestinians are not prepared to be suppressed any longer. What is needed is Palestinian unity behind their democratically elected national government, reinforced by popular struggles of Palestinians and progressive Israelis, supported by international solidarity.

South Africa’s stated position is clear. The immediate demands are recognition of the government of national unity, the lifting of economic sanctions and blockade of the Palestinian territories, an end to the 40-year-old military occupation and resumption of negotiations for a two-state solution. On a final note, the invitation to Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh as head of a national unity government was welcomed by President Mahmoud Abbas, and will be dealt with by our government. As they say in Arabic: “Insha ’Allah [God-willing].”


By: Thomas Cooper

Reporters are racing to interview the President of the United States, Barack Obama. To get a chance to do that, they ask for a permission in advance, and often have to submit the list of question they intend to ask the president and get approved to ask those questions, after all they are requesting to interview the “supposedly” the most powerful man in the world. The president will have the answers prepared and memorized before the camera is turned on.

I am not a famous reporter. In fact, I am not a reporter at all, but I would love to get an opportunity to sit across from Mr. Obama and ask him a few questions that I am aching to get the answers to. I would ask him the following hypothetical questions to which I expect to get the following hypothetical answers. 

Q1: Assuming that you have just drank a big bottle of the “truth serum”, and assuming that this interview will never leave this room, would you promise to answer each question honestly and truthfully? In other words, what comes out of your lips is exactly what’s in your head?

A1: Yes, of course.

Q2: Great, what do you think of your performance as a president so far. And what grade would you give yourself on this performance? And why?

A2: I think I am doing a much better job than my predecessor. That’s not a big pat on the back because a monkey could do a better job than him. I would love to be able to have a free hand to do what’s right without having to worry about others’ influence and pressure. As for grading my performance, I would give myself a 70%, because I couldn’t  do many of the things that I really want to do before leaving the white house, many of which were among my campaign promises.

Q3: What is the “others influence”? And what kind of pressure are you under?

A3: You have no idea. Our system is messed up. The people who have all the power and influence in this country are not the people in congress or even the president, they are the lobbyists of big corporations and even other countries around the world. When I ran for this office, I wanted to do away with those damn lobbyists but they have so much power that I felt powerless standing up to them.

Q4: What country has the most powerful lobbyists and is most influential when it comes to foreign policy?

A4: Undoubtedly, the Israeli lobbyists have the biggest influence on our foreign policy. They literally dictate to us what we should and should not do when it comes to dealing with other countries, especially in the Middle East. When I was elected President, I wanted, very badly, to establish peace and tranquility between the Palestinians and the Israelis but so far I have failed miserably.

Q5:  What do you attribute your failure to?

A5: You can’t enforce peace on people who don’t want it especially if they control you. It’s not in the Israelis’ best interest to have peace, that’s why they keep sabotaging every effort I, or any American president for that matter, come up with, and those damn lobbyists, headed by AIPAC, which I call the most dangerous organization in the country, make sure that we cater to the Israeli agenda and fulfill their every demand.

Q6: Can you give me some examples on the Israelis sabotaging your efforts to establish peace in the Middle East?

A6: I can give you plenty of examples. When I sent John Kerry to meet with the Palestinians and Israelis, they verbally attacked him and called him “Anti Semitic”, which’s a phrase they often use to attack someone who criticizes them in any way. Netanyahu recently annexed (another word for robbing at gun point) a large piece of land in the Jerusalem area to build an Israeli settlement. Does that look like a man who wants peace?

Q7: Speaking of Netanyahu, what do honestly think of him?

A7: This man, if you can call him that, is the worst human being on earth. No one described him better than one of my staff members, who shall remain nameless, when he called him “chicken shit”. This scum bag launched a war or rather a massacre against the people of Gaza, in the name of protecting Israel, killing 2,200 innocent people and destroyed countless number of buildings just for the hell of it. I ask you again, does that look like a man who wants peace? You know what’s the worst part? I had to announce my support for the Israelis, on camera, and defend their decision to attack Gaza, blaming those rockets that have been fired at Israel.

Q8: Don’t you think those rockets were the real reason for this war, or as you called it, massacre?

A8: You and I and every intelligent person know that Israel was not attacked when Netanyahu decided to use our planes, missiles, and tanks to do his dirty work. He just wanted to kill more Palestinians and destroy their homes. If the Israelis wanted to respond to the rocket attack, as they claim, they can pin point their locations and surgically take them out without destroying the building that are heavily populated with people. To show their malicious intent, they even bombed a UN shelter housing a large amount of food supplies for the starving people of Gaza. That makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

Q9: Mr. President, you are the most powerful man in the world, can’t you force what’s right on all parties in the Middle East?

A9: Are you kidding? The Israeli Lobbyists and supports of Israel will have my head on a gold platter. Calling me anti Semitic and calling for my impeachment will be the least they will do to me. I can’t force them to be humans if they are nothing but a bunch of beasts, they won’t listen anyway, and I just can’t make them.

Q10: What do you think of the rapidly growing anti-Israel and anti-Semitic movement?

A10: Thank God, people around the world, especially in the United States, are finally waking up. The American people are not dumb but we’ve been brain washed and lied to by the establishment into believing that the Israelis are the victims and we should support them, when in reality they are killing innocent people, steeling their resources, destroying their homes and confiscating at gun point their land.

Me: Thank you very much Mr. President. This interview was an eye opener. Your answers were candid, honest and to the point.

The President: you’re most welcomed. Remember, you said this interview will never leave this room. That’s why I agreed to give you honest answers.

Me: No Mr. President. I said: assuming that this interview will never leave this room.

The President: If you publish this interview, I will deny ever saying anything to you or ever meeting you.

Me: Thanks again Mr. President.