Are We Free?? Really Free??

By: Hank Hardy

If you hire a reporter and tell him to go downtown any city or town in the country and ask people in random a simple question and get their reaction to it and to the answers they give. The question is: ARE WE FREE? Here are some of the answers he will get.

  • Of course we are. What kind of question is this?
  • Sure we are. We are the “most free” nation on earth.
  • Is that a trick question?
  • This question is so stupid. If we are not free, no one in the world is.

And countless similar responses. However, let’s dig a little deeper for the true answer. We are not talking about some off the wall action of freedom like running naked in the middle of the street, or going to a crowded theater and yelling fire..etc.

Believe it or not, we, the common pubic, have more freedom to say or do most anything we want than those in the government especially the President of this country and the so called congress.

I would love to conduct an experiment by going to the White House and both houses of congress and gather all the Senators and House Representatives and on top of them all, the President of The United States, and without them knowing, give them “the truth serum” and ask them the same question…ARE YOU FREE? Free to say what’s on your mind? Free to do what you think is the right thing? And if the answer is no…Then WHY?

If the “truth serum” works and really takes effect on those people, 100% of them will answer NO. If one of those people in the government speaks his/her mind and try to be brave, they will kiss their re-election good bye, because our government is controlled by lobbyists 99% of the times. The majority of our elected officials in Washington do not run for office to serve the people of this country, as they claim. They want desperately to go to the capital for the benefits and perks they receive once they get there. Why would someone spend millions of dollars on a campaign, and countless number of days trying to convince people to vote for him, knowing that during his term in office, his salary will never equal to, or even come close to the huge sums of money he spent on the election if he doesn’t know for a fact that his privileges and perks will far exceed his cost in time and money.

When a Senator or a congressman is given a lavish vacation for him and his family in one of the most exclusive resorts, with all expenses paid by a large company such as a drug, food or any other type of big business, or if he was given an expensive gift by that company through their lobbyists, he is owned by them, and when it’s time to vote on a bill that affects that company, how do you think he is going to vote? One of Obama’s campaign promises in 2008 was to get rid of the lobbyists. In that area he failed miserably. Apparently, he did not know what he was up against.

The law in this country specifically states that bribes are illegal. But bribery and corruption are alive and well in our government. The Senators and congressmen quickly found a loop hole that allows them to accept bribes in other forms such as gifts and vacations. When a senator or a member of the house gets elected, they don’t think about the many ways of serving the country, they immediately start making plans to get re-elected in the next election.

Almost every big business has lobbyists in congress. Not only domestic businesses have them, but other countries have lobbyists as well. No company, domestic or foreign, and no country in the world has as many lobbyists and influence as Israel. In fact they have an organization in Washington DC called “American Israeli Public Affairs Committee” (AIPAC). It’s the most dangerous organization in America, because they control our government from the President all the way down to the smallest employee. It’s been described in Wikipedia as one of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington, DC. Its critics have stated, it acts as an agent of the Israeli government with a “stranglehold” on the United States Congress.

No one in congress, not even the president of the United States would dare to criticize this organization due to their power and influence on our government. They don’t ask for donations and military aid for Israel, they demand it and get it. Our tax dollars go to pay for expensive weapons and equipments to Israel and we can do or say nothing about it. These weapons are used to kill innocent people and destroy their homes and we do nothing but watch. We, the United States, send Israel around $10 Billion every year while we have people who sleep on the street and have no food to eat. You and I, the common people, can say whatever we please but those in the government know better than to voice their honest opinions on matters that count.

So, to answer the question posed in the title of this article, ARE WE FREE? The answer would have to be yes and no. Yes to the people and no to the government, where it actually counts.


By: Andrew McCoy

When companies hire new employees, they look for people who qualify for the job they need to fill. Such qualifications could be the ability of the employee to do the job, have a pleasant personality and good character, and above all, have MORAL VALUE which entails honesty and integrity and basically do the right thing at all times. Employers often check the background and work ethics of the prospective employees before hiring them.

When the government is looking for people to fill positions in the Senate, or House of Representatives, and of course the President, they hold elections and the winners get to fill those positions. What’s interesting is that none of those elected officials have to pass the “Morality Test”. When company employees make decisions, their action could affect the well being of that company, but when Senators or congress persons make a decision, their action could affect the entire country and sometimes its relationships with other countries around the world.

When people go to vote for an official in the government, 9 times out of 10 they know little or nothing about that person’s character, other than what they’ve heard and read about him/her on TV, newspaper or other media sources. If the candidates have deep pockets, they could falsely advertise great things about themselves and horrible things about their opponents and people often believe them. They would do and say anything that could help them win the election. And if they don’t have deep pockets, they often associate themselves with those who do around the country, promising them to do whatever they want if they make large donations to their campaign. Large campaign donations and promises to politicians of paid vacation to luxury resorts and expensive gifts during and after the elections are what’s known as “legal bribes”. Though the law does not forbid it, and it should, they are still BRIBES, and will definitely compromise the politicians’ integrity. That’s of course if they had any to begin with.

Large companies and countries get their way in congress by bribing its members with all kinds of perks that are valued from several thousands to several millions of dollars. They do that through their lobbyists. No company or country is as successful in bribing the members of congress as Israel. They, through their lobbyists and other organizations like AIPAC, have mastered the art of buying people who in turn award them with 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s or even millions of times of the money they receive.

While we, in this country, have a huge deficit, we continue to send Israel, every year, billions of dollars worth of the most modern weapons ever invented. In addition to all the expensive weapons, we give them billions of dollars in cash to improve their economy, build illegal settlements and kill innocent people.

It never seizes to amaze me, how we, in the United States, care so much about human lives and cherish our land and yet we kill innocent Palestinians in Gaza and the West bank for no reason and allow the Israelis to rob them of their land.  All in the name of self defense.

What’s that?? You’re saying we did not kill Palestinian, the Israelis did!!

Well… let me ask you, who provided those Israelis with those lethal weapons to kill with??

The person who gives a mad man a gun is just as guilty as the mad man who uses the gun to kill with.

Please don’t misunderstand me. When I say we, I mean our government officials, not the people of this country. The average American person has no idea that he/she is contributing to the murders that the Israelis are committing on daily bases, and for that we cannot fault them but our immoral congress and government officials are just as guilty as the murderous Israelis.

Every President in recent history called for human rights, but when it comes to the Palestinian people, no one cares about their rights. It’s OK to kill their people, destroy their homes and rob them of their land as long as the Israelis are satisfied, right Mr. President and Mr. / Ms. Congress person? Where’s the morality in that??

Every year we donate millions if not billions of dollars to help people around the world who are suffering from poverty and hunger but when it comes to the Palestinians in Gaza who lost their homes and who have been strangled by the Israeli army’s imposed siege, just because they are Palestinians, we tend to ignore them and pretend that they don’t matter. Where is the morality in that Mr. or Ms. Congress person?

When a country, big or small, suffers from a natural disaster like an earthquake, a flood or a hurricane, billions of dollars’ worth of food, medicine, clothing, building materials and basically anything needed to alleviate the pain and suffering of the people in the stricken countries, from all over the world pour into that country. But when the Israelis used their fighter jets, missiles, bombs and other deadly and destructive weapons that we gave them, to kill innocent Palestinians in Gaza, no one dared to donate a single dollar to help them cope with their “man made“ disaster. The United Nations sent several planes’ loads of food to Gaza which were stored in a huge warehouse pending distribution to the starving men, women and children. The Israeli fighter jets bombed the warehouse destroying everything in it. This is the morality of Netanyahu and the Israeli thugs in his government.


By: Toby Schill

The conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis seem to be never ending. The Palestinians are fighting for survival and for their land and homes, while the Israelis are fighting to confiscate  more of that land and kill more Palestinians. Every American President in recent history claims that he will be the one to finally establish peace in the Middle East that is amicable and satisfactory to both parties, but every one of them seems to fall flat on his face when tackling this subject, and fails just as miserably as his predecessor. Why?? Because Israel simply does not want peace. Yes, that’s right; Israel does not want peace. This was discussed in another article in this blog.

In 1993, the prime minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, the fifth prime minister of Israel, decided it’s time to have peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis, so he met with the PLO leader, Yasser Arafat and the two leaders signed the Oslo Accords, which is based on several meetings and discussions between the two leaders. Rabin and Arafat actually won the Noble Price for peace. Rabin was the only Israeli that Arafat referred to as “my friend”. What happen to Rabin after signing that accord? He was murdered by his own people.

No prime minister in Israel, before or after Rabin seemed to be interested in peace with the Palestinians despite their claim that they were. In fact some of them like Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert waged wars (actually massacres) against the Palestinians in Gaza, killing 100’s of them and destroying several buildings for no reason. They claim that Hamas fired rockets on Israel and they had to retaliate when all the evidence point the fingers at them starting the firing.

Not to be out done by his predecessors, Benjamin Netanyahu, the current prime minister of Israel, decided to go on a killing and destruction spree in Gaza, in August 2014. After 2 months of shooting, bombing and firing missiles at the people of Gaza, he killed 2,200 people and destroyed several buildings of all types, office buildings, apartments and houses. Many of those buildings were destroyed while people were still inside. It’s laughable how the Israeli government tried to show its humanitarian side. They told the world that when they bombed an apartment building, they fired a warning shot, missile, first to allow the people to leave the building before they level it, which’s true and they have videos to prove it. The problem is, the warning shot came only one or two minutes before the one that destroys the building, which means unless you are waiting for the warning shot and ready to leave, you have no chance of making it alive out of that building. If you were asleep, they want to wake you up before they kill you, or if you were in the bathroom, you will have enough time to get up, without wiping and put your cloths on but forget about surviving. By the way the Israeli casualties were a grand total of 3, other than the 64 soldiers killed by the people of Gaza when they (the Israelis) entered the strip.

Netanyahu showed his ugly side again and again. Some of the atrocities he committed were, confiscating the tax money from the Palestinians. This is the money that the Israeli government imposed on the Palestinians to pay, giving the Palestinians a part of it back to live on. He also ordered the power to be turned off at a whole city for several days in the West Bank. In Gaza, not only he tightened the noose of the siege, but he also disallowed medical supplies and food to enter the strip. In the Jerusalem area, he robbed the Palestinians of over 1000 acres, which he annexed to Israel, leaving people with no homes to go to. Not only that but he expanded the settlements over more Palestinian land. What did our government do while this mad man was committing one crime after another? Absolutely nothing. I’ll take that back, we supported him and sent him more weapons to kill more innocent people and destroy more of their homes.

Evil as he is, he unknowingly did something good for the Palestinians. He opened the eyes and the ears of the world to these atrocities that Israel is committing against the Palestinians on daily basis. People in Europe and Asia have long suspected that Israel is illegally committing crimes against the Palestinians, from confiscating their land, to destroying their homes to killing their people, and now Netanyahu is confirming to them their suspicion. Currently, there’s a huge anti-Israel and anti-Semitic movements in Europe and other parts of the world. Even in the United States, people are waking up and shaking their heads to all that happens in the Middle East. It was reported that college students on campuses across the country are calling for boycotting the Israeli products, and protesting the Israeli treatments of the Palestinians.

Netanyahu is nothing but a thug, and the people of Israel who elected him are no better than him. More and more people in the US and around the world are realizing that. Netanyahu is a war criminal, and along with George Bush and Dick Chaney, he should be tried and executed for all these innocent lives he cut short for no reason.

Netanyahu brought awareness of the war crimes that he and his thugs are committing in Palestine. He caused the anti- Israel, anti- Semitic movement to grow and get stronger. He also caused other countries to boycott the Israeli products in protest to their uncalled for harsh treatment of the Palestinians.

Netanyshu did more disservice to Israel than any Arabic leader could.

For all this and more, the Palestinians should thank him.


By: Hank Hardy

Here’s an excerpt of an article about a remark by Mike Huckabee during his visit to Israel:

GOP presidential contender makes inflammatory claim — again

Mike Huckabee (Credit: AP/Keith Srakocic)

Mike Huckabee has revived the incendiary notion that there’s no such thing as a Palestinian people, repeating an assertion that has been condemned by a wide spectrum of historians and political analysts.

The likely Republican presidential hopeful made the claim in an interview with the Washington Post, for the paper’s story on Huckabee’s guided tours of Israel. (Price tag: $5,250.) Tourists have the opportunity to hear from guest lecturers, including Zionist Organization of America president Morton Klein. The Post reports that Klein told Huckabee’s group that the idea of a Palestinian people is a fiction — a declaration with which Huckabee readily concurred.

“The idea that they have a long history, dating back hundreds or thousands of years, is not true,” the former Arkansas governor and Fox News host told the Post.

This isn’t the first time Huckabee has advanced the idea. “I have to be careful saying this, because people get really upset — there’s really no such thing as a Palestinian,” Huckabee told a Massachusetts rabbi during his 2008 presidential campaign. “That’s been a political tool to try to force land away from Israel.”

Newt Gingrich echoed Huckabee’s remarks in 2011, proclaiming that “we’ve had invented Palestinian people who are in fact Arabs, and who were historically part of the Arab community.” Gingrich’s remarks attracted more than the predictable condemnation from Palestinian officials, also drawing derision from Israeli historians and Mitt Romney, Gingrich’s GOP presidential rival.

Well Mr. Huckabee, the old adage says “If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a duck”. This does not apply in your case because you look intelligent, you talk like an intelligent person but you’re dumb as a door nail, that’s if you really believe what you say. You’re not a duck, you’re a craw.

I understand that you were trying to kiss the Israelis’ ass because they are paying for your trip and you’re hoping that they and their allies in the US would support you when you run for a president, but to say something outrageous and stupid, would put you in the dumb column not the intelligent. Just think about it, even Newt Gingrich, whose intellect is known to be lacking at best, is repeating your statement.

Here’s a brief lesson of history for you. The land that the Israelis occupy now has never been called Israel until 1948 when they over powered the Palestinians and robbed them of their land at gun point. That land has ALWAYS been called PALESTINE, and the people who live on it are called Palestinians. You ought to be ashamed of yourself releasing such a false and stupid statement just to kiss up to your masters.

Here’s a question for you Mr. Know it all, if the people who lived for thousands of years in Palestine should not, in your opinion, be called Palestinians because they are “invented people” for the purpose of forcing land away from Israel, what do you call the people in Israel who were collected from other countries to form the country of Israel? Are they Russians, Americans, Arabs or what? A huge number of them where not even born in Israel?

The writer of the article concluded with this statement:

The Palestinians exist now, and that’s a politico-diplomatic reality with which a President Huckabee would have to reckon. His unwillingness to do so reveals him to be either embarrassingly ignorant or deeply dishonest.


In the year 2000, George W. Bush was elected as President of United States. Shortly after that, he and his vise president Dick Chaney with the help of their Secretary of Defense, Ronald Rumsfeld, began plotting for the invasion of Iraq. They started their scheme by telling a series of lies to the American Public in attempt to lessen the people’s opposition to the war that they were about to plunge the country into, which ultimately cost us billions upon billions of dollars, and thousands upon thousands of young American lives that were needlessly lost, not to mention the much larger numbers of wounded, physically and psychologically.

Among the lies that we were told by the evil trio (Chaney, Bush & Rumsfeld) is that Saddam Hussein, the president of Iraq at that time, has a stock pile of chemical weapons that he intends to use against his enemies, mainly Israel and US. Remember the Secretary of State Collin Powel in the United Nations, showing the whole world a bunch of fabricated pictures of the chemical weapons’ locations in Iraq? After the invasion, the US forces turned the country upside down trying to find those chemical weapons but found absolutely nothing, not a shred of evidence to substantiate their claim. Collin Powel claimed that he was misled and resigned at the end of Bush’s first term. The CIA claimed that they were given the wrong information. They think that the American people are stupid enough to believe them. Sadly enough, some of us did, mainly the Republicans.

Another huge lie that we, the American people, were told is that Saddam Hussein was bringing Al-Qaida to Iraq. Such statement couldn’t be further from the truth. Hussein hated Al-Qaida with a passion and would have crushed them had they tried to enter his country. The truth is that Al-Qaida entered Iraq and became a force to be recon with only after the American invasion of that country.

George Bush and his gang decided, in their infinite wisdom, to alienate the Sunnis in Iraq in favor of the Shies, which made the Sunnis resent the Iraqi government and thus forming a radical, ruthless group known as ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria). This organization became very powerful that everyone in the region and abroad, with one exception, feared and wanted to annihilate them for all the crimes and atrocities they committed in the name of Islam, against the Iraqis, the Syrians and the Westerners, especially Americans. They call themselves Muslims but no one could be further from Islam. Howard Dean, the former chairman of the Democratic Party and former presidential candidate, put it best when he said; those people are no more Muslims than I am. They would go looking for Americans and kill them by beheading. The victims are often innocent who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Everyone in the Arabic and Western Worlds is condemning the criminal actions of ISIS and trying to fight them tooth and nail except one country that seems to strike a friendship with these thugs. That country is Israel. Though it was never publicly announced, and never will be, ISIS and Israel seem to be in agreement with each other and helping one another. Before you think I am crazy for saying that, consider these undeniable facts:

  • With all the threats that ISIS had made against many leaders and countries, they have never threatened Israel or Netanyahu.
  • When ISIS was fighting the Syrian army, Israeli war planes bombed targets belonging to the Syrian Army in an effort to help their friends.
  • The Israeli army would not allow anyone from any country for any reason to enter the demilitarized zone in the Golan Heights except the ISIS fighters.
  • When the fighters of ISIS are injured, they are treated in Israeli hospitals.
  • Israel has never condemned the actions of ISIS although everyone else did.

These and many other facts would make you wonder about the strong ties between ISIS and Israel. People in the Middle East are very well familiar with the reality in Iraq, but we, in the United States are as ignorant as people on the moon. All we hear on the news is that ISIS is bad and they are killing Americans, but if we dig a little deeper in the matter, we will discover the truth about Israel and their new found friend. Both Israel and ISIS have no friends in the Middle East, now they found each other and became each other’s allies.


By: Hank Hardy

A hero is someone who does something heroic. Here are some examples of heroic actions:

  • Someone who enters a burning building to save a child, an elderly or just about anyone else, sacrificing his own life and safety to save others.
  • A person who runs across the railroad track to push someone out of the path of an oncoming train.
  • In war, a soldier who goes behind the enemy line to blow up a bridge or a barrack or shoots enemy soldiers knowing that he could be killed any moment.

There are so many examples of heroism but let’s focus on the last one “the war heroes”.

In the recent Israeli bombing of Gaza, I was looking for people to call heroes on both sides. On the Israeli side I see wave after wave of war planes dropping bombs and firing missiles on the civilians below killing 1000’s of them indiscriminately. Men, women, children… makes no difference. If they are Palestinians, it’s OK to kill them. The war planes accomplished another objective which is destroying many homes, schools, hospitals and just about any buildings. After the war planes killed and destroyed their targets, the ground troops consisting of heavy tanks and artillery, not to mention thousands of soldiers, moved in, doing the dirty work on the ground as the planes did from the sky. Where’s the heroism in that. This action can best be described as cowardly!! The Israeli soldiers are nothing but a group of thugs and criminals.

On the other side, the Palestinians, having no war planes, no tanks, no regular army or heavy weapons, were trying very hard to just stay alive. Their weapons consist of guns and home-made rockets. They defended their territory with their lives and managed to kill many Israeli soldiers. Those Palestinians are true heroes because they sacrificed their lives to defend their land from the intruders.

The Israelis shamelessly claimed that they won the war!! Dahh. It’s like arranging a boxing match between Mike Tyson and a 10 year old kid, and Iron Mike brags to everyone that he won the fight.

Aren’t there any Israeli heroes? Yes there are. In the recent so called “war” in Gaza, which I call a senseless massacre, a number of Israeli soldiers refused to serve in the army and be sent to kill in Gaza, those are real heroes. A number of Israelis and Jews who have conscious and high moral value criticized Netanyahu and his group of thugs for committing all these atrocities and murders in Gaza. Those are real heroes. People like Meko Peled, Jeff Halper, Ann Baltzer and many other Israelis and Jews who stood up to the Israeli government and decided to speak out against the murders and destructions in Palestine are true heroes.

Home Demolition In Palestine

By:Hank Hardy

The following report was published on the YAHOO website in regard to the demolition of Palestinians’ home in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Israeli authorities said Monday that notices have been issued to several Palestinians warning them of a demolition drive in the West Bank. The move comes after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the resumption of the practice of destroying Palestinian homes following clashes over the Al Aqsa Mosque and Temple Mount compound.

The country’s military said that the demolition of several houses had been approved and the police have also marked several houses in the eastern part of Jerusalem for destruction or to seal them up, according to The Associated Press. Officials are currently awaiting a final nod from the government before beginning the demolition drive, the report said”.

Just imagine for a second that these homes are being destroyed here, in the United States, and your house was one of them.

What would you do??

Do you just say: Ahh let them destroy it; I’ll just go somewhere else and buy another one! Or would you say:

well, God promised them this land so they’re entitled to it and everything on it!

Or would you fight them in every imaginable way, with whatever weapons accessible to you even if it’s just a stone or a small rock! Well that’s what the Palestinians decided to do, and that’s why they are called Terrorists.

27,000 homes were demolished since Israel assumed control over the West Bank and Gaza. Besides killing innocent people for no good reason or for fabricated reasons, there is no more immoral action anyone can take than destroying someone’s house just because the Israelis want his land. What’s equally immoral is our government’s unconditional support for this “country of thugs” called Israel.

What did our beloved president do when the Israeli government declared a couple of months ago the annexation of Palestinian land in East Jerusalem? Absolutely nothing. The President of the United States told them not to do that, to which Netanyahu answered: You should get your facts straight. We decided to annex this land a long time ago. In other words, we are not trying to rob the Palestinians of their land now! We already robbed them of it a long time ago. One of the people in Obama’s administration was so fed up and so disgusted with the arrogance of Netanyahu and the Israeli government that he called him “chicken shit”. Actually, this unnamed person was too kind to Netanyahu.

Mr. Chicken Shit

I asked you, the reader, earlier to imagine that those destroyed homes were in this country. Well; don’t go that far, just imagine those homes were destroyed in the Ukraine by the Russian soldiers. How would the world react to such news? Better yet, how would we, in this country in general and our beloved president in particular, react to such news. When Putin annexed the Crimea area after an overwhelming referendum and approval by its people, Barack Obama went crazy and announced sanctions against Russia. The Palestinian people did not get to vote on such referendum. Their land was stolen from them at gun point. In this country we call that “armed robbery”. What did Obama do? Absolutely nothing. Not only that, but our country continues to support Israel and send them money, arms and everything else they demand.

Every president we’ve had in last 50 years called for human rights and standing up to the bullies of the world, but when it comes to the Palestinians, not only that they turn a blind eye and a deaf ear, but they help the Israelis kill those innocent people and destroy their homes with unlimited shipments of weapons and money. When other countries decide to help by sending food, medical supplies and doctors to help the Palestinians, the Israeli government blocks their shipments and stops the doctors from entering the area. And when the United Nations once sent a huge amount of food to Gaza the Israeli airplanes bombed the warehouse in which the supply was stored.

I think all those presidents who call for human rights should walk around wearing paper bags over their heads for all the lies and deceit that comes out of their mouths, except George W. Bush. He should walk around with his head tucked between his legs for all the shame and humiliation he brought upon this country.

We, the American people should stand up to our president and government and stop this madness of supporting those Israeli thugs who’s only mission in life is to kill Palestinians and rob them of their land. After all, it’s our money that’s been sent to the Israeli’s to commit one massacre after another while we sit here and watch, and if the news gets to be too gruesome, we just change the channel.

It never seizes to amaze me, how we, the American people in general and our government in particular, the most helpful nation on earth, jump to the aid of other countries if they were facing a natural disaster like hurricane, earthquake, flood or any such natural disaster, or a man-made disaster like a war. We send those people of other countries food, medicine, blankets and everything else they need to help them cope with their situation. We do that for any country on earth except the Palestinians. Not only that we ignore them and turn the other way but we send the thugs who caused their misery more money and weapons to do even more harm to them. We all should be ashamed of ourselves, claiming to be democratic and always calling for justice and human rights. Where is the justice here? Can anyone see it? I sure can’t.

How could anyone with a particle of conscience and humanity allow this to happen? How can we just sit on the sideline and pretend that we don’t see or hear the plea of help of those people whose only fault is owning land that the Israelis want. If we see an animal being abused we get outraged and offer to help in any way we can. We move heaven and earth to help a child who’s suffering from a terminal disease, but when it comes to Palestinian children we look at them being killed by the 10’s or even by the 100’s without lifting a finger to help them. More over, we give the Israeli murderers more weapons to bomb the schools, hospitals and homes, as if those people don’t exist.

The Nucent Deer

It was reported on 12/10/2014 that the growing deer population in Ann Arbor Michigan was wreaking havoc in the area. The deer were destroying crops, causing accidents on the highway and even spreading disease. The state of Michigan opened the door for deer hunting to “thin the heard”, but faced a great deal of criticism from animal lovers. The state officials asked for suggestions on how to deal with this problem. One viewer had a brilliant idea: He said, send an urgent message to the Israeli government telling them that the deer are Palestinians, they will send their air force and bomb the hell out of them, then, they will claim self defense.


By: Hank Hardy

The Israeli’s repeatedly said, we cannot negotiate with the Palestinians because they form two separate and independent entities; The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, and Hamas in Gaza. Neither of these groups represents the other, and neither can negotiate on behalf of the other. On June 2nd, 2014, the two factions of the Palestinian people decided, after long discussions and meetings, to unite and form one government that represents all the Palestinian people.

When heard the news, Benjamin Netanyahu went crazy and verbally attacked the unity very harshly, criticizing the involvement of Hamas. He set out to destroy the organization regardless of the cost in human lives and property to the people of Gaza. He was looking for a reason to attack Hamas and kill as many of the Palestinian people as he can.

On June 12, 2014, three Israeli boys were kidnapped and killed by an unknown person or persons. Until now it’s not known for certain who the responsible party is, but Benjamin Netanyahu found it to be his best opportunity to accuse Hamas of the kidnapping so he can kill more Palestinians and destroy more properties that belong to the poor people of Gaza. Many have suspected that the Israelis have kidnapped and killed the three boys so that they can accuse the Palestinians of this crime and go on another killing and destruction rampage.

There was a damning evidence that the Israelis have known about the killing of the boys for several days but decided to keep the news under rap until they conclude their criminal act against the people of Gaza. How did they know?? When one of the boys called his mother from his cell phone, the mother heard several shots and then the line went dead. She reported that to the Israeli authority. Also, as evidence of framing Hamas, the kidnappers made it a point for the mother to hear Arabic music in the back ground. If the boys were killed out in the open, who would carry a radio and turn it up so loud in order for the mother of that boy to hear it over the phone? Anyway, the settlers went crazy and grabbed the first Palestinian boy they found and forced him to drink gasoline and set him on fire.

Netanyahu is the world’s biggest coward and certainly the most ruthless criminal. He sits in his office in Jerusalem or in the United States and orders the killing of people in Gaza and the destruction of their buildings claiming that he is defending Israel. If there is justice in the world, he should be tried as war criminal, but we all know that there is no justice anywhere especially in our country when it comes to holding the Israelis accountable for their heinous crimes. Netanyahu is following in the footsteps of a previous, and equally cowardly and ruthless criminal named Areal Sharon who died in the worst way. He was in a vegetated state for 8 years before leaving this world. Maybe it’s God’s way of punishing this piece of trash on earth, and may Netanyahu die the same way and soon.

Some people mistakenly call it “the war between Gaza and Israel”. A war is a fight between two armies. This is not a war, this is a massacre. One side has the best equipped and trained army with a huge number of tanks, bombs, missiles and airplanes, and the other side has none of that. There are some people in Gaza who have guns and some home-made rockets that are very ineffective unless they directly hit an object or a person. The “brave” Israeli Soldiers marched in their tanks and armored vehicle inside Gaza and killed everyone they found in their way regardless of his age or gender, 2,200 Palestinian people have died needlessly. A large number of buildings were destroyed whether they were homes for the civilians or commercial building. The Israeli soldiers found the courage to go into Gaza after the “brave” pilots destroyed everything from the air. They called those buildings targets, and often destroyed them with people still in them. The Israelis claim that they warn the people to leave, giving them 2 minutes before they get bombed. How could a house or an apartment building be a military target? The Israeli Navy is no less “brave”!! They found 4 boys from Gaza playing on the beach and decided to kill them. The 10-12 year old kids were such a big threat to Israel, weren’t they? When it comes to killing civilians and destroying their homes and businesses, the Israeli soldiers are the best at their job.

Here’s an example of “the military targets” that the Israeli soldiers are proud to destroy.



Two more so called “military targets”, a block of residential buildings



The above pictures are what the Israelis love to see and proud to accomplish.


That’s what they call self defense. BUT:

What about the rockets?

Gaza was surrounded by the Israeli army from land and sea and constantly watched from the air. Every so often, the Israeli army in all its divisions goes on a killing and destruction spree, so the people of Gaza decided to build short ranged rockets to answer the Israelis when they go crazy and decide to kill more Palestinians and destroy their properties. Those rockets are locally made and are very ineffective unless they directly hit an object or a person. If you watch the news on regular bases, Hamas has never used those rockets unless they were provoked by the Israelis.

How are Hamas provoked?

Let me simplify the answer by this scenario. Imagine, just for a few seconds, that you are a small boy, minding your own business and playing with a small pocket knife. Suddenly, a huge man with a long sward comes to fight you. You ignore him for a while, and then he pokes you with his sword again and again until you get angry and take a swing at him with your small pocket knife. The huge man gets outraged and tells the whole world that you are trying to kill him with your knife, and he will be justified to defend himself and starts stabbing you and cutting you with his sword.

Here’s an example of how the Israelis provoke Hamas and almost force them to fire their rockets at them out of anger and frustration. Once a Palestinian retired leader, on a wheel chair was killed by a missile from an Israeli plane. Hamas members were very angry at this cowardly act and launched some rockets into Israel, after which the Israeli planes, tanks and ships attacked Gaza and killed 100’s of people and destroyed a large number of homes.

One other and very similar confrontation started when one of Hamas leaders was killed while sleeping in his apartment which was one in a several story apartment building. He was killed when the whole building was destroyed by a bomb from an Israeli plane killing everyone inside the building. If the Israelis cannot find an excuse to kill Palestinians and destroy their homes, they will create one. AND

What about those tunnels?

Gaza has been under siege for many years. The Israeli army and Navy are surrounding the strip from all sides. They stopped any and all shipments of food, medicine and everything else to reach the people of Gaza. They are literally trying to starve them to death and kill them from infection and disease. The people of Gaza thought that since they cannot travel on the ground or over the ground, then the only way to reach the outside and get what they need to survive is to go underground. They dug those tunnels to bring food, medicine and other necessary materials for their people. The Egyptian government was pressured to stop Gaza’s people from entering their country through the tunnels or across the border. When attacked savagely by the Israeli army during the month of August, Hamas decided to use some of those tunnels to attack back.

The Israeli policy toward the Palestinians is simple, and can be summarized in 3 steps:

  • Rob the Palestinians of their land at gun point and kill them if they resist. In this country, we call that “armed robbery”.
  • Give the people who decide to stay a choice; submit, leave or die.
  • Kill the ones who do not submit or leave.

President Obama said. No country should tolerate rockets being fired at them. Well Mr. President, how do you justify a nation being surrounded from all sides for several years by hustle forces that allows no food, no medicine, nothing to enter their territory. An act that you and your government support. Should any nation in the whole world tolerate that?? Where does our hypocrisy stop? There seems to be no limit to it!!

One of the Israelis who was born and raised in Jerusalem named Miko Peled wrote a book titled “The General’s Son”. This smart and courageous man decided to speak his mind and do what’s right. He exposed the scheme of the Israeli government and the false claims that they led people to believe. We highly recommend reading this book. Here’s a link to one of his lectures. You will also see a dynamic speaker by the name of Ranya Masri who puts things in perspective.

I can’t help but wonder, what happens if the fighters from Gaza were given the same amount and type of weapons that the Israeli army has, and let them fight against the Israelis. Should that happens, the question would not be who will win the fight but how fast and far the Israelis would run.


By: Hank Hardy

By reading some of our articles, some people may wrongly think that we are against all Jews, who ever they are and where ever they are. That couldn’t be further from the truth. We are however, against Zionism and the State of Israel which abides by the teaching and the value, or lack of, of the Zionism.  There are a large number of Jews in and out of Israel who preach against Zionism and openly criticize the movement. Those, who are not afraid to speak their mind and expose the truth, have my highest admiration and respect. Here are a few of them:

Miko Peled: This great man was born and raised in Jerusalem. Please click on the link below to learn more about him and his message to the world.

Jeff Halper: An American born professor. Co-founder and director of ICAHD-USA.

Henry Siegman: Jewish American Rabbi, born in Frankfort, Germany.

There are many other Jews with good conscious who speak their mind and voice their opinion and devote their efforts to justice and peace, against the Israeli government’s